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193 bytes added, 11:02, 8 October 2017
==What do the licenses mean?==
When you add an image to this website, you will be asked to choose a license. You retain copyright, but allow use of the work by others according to the terms of the license. The choices are:
* ''Creative Commons Atrribution-ShareAlike'': This is the default license which will be applied to your work if you contribute to this site and do not specify otherwise. Anyone can copy and reuse the work for any purpose, but must give credit. If you reuse the content and share it, you must release it with the same permissions so it can be shared alike in future (meaning it cannot be used in a project published with "all rights reserved"). Full details are [ here]
* ''CC0 (Public domain)''Creative Commons Atrribution-ShareAlike-Noncommercial: The contributor waives all copyright. You can copy and reuse this for , but you must give credit and must not use it in any purposecommercial project. This license prevents companies making money from your work, even without giving creditbut beware it also prevents use by any small community project which generates income. If you are uploading reuse the content with this licenseand share it, use you must release it with care and read the same permissions so it can be shared alike in future (meaning it cannot be used in a project published with "all rights reserved"). Full details are [ here] first.
* Creative Commons Atrribution-ShareAlike-Noncommercial''CC0 (Public domain)'': The contributor waives all copyright. You can copy and reuse thisfor any purpose, but you must give even without giving credit and must not use it in any commercial project. This license prevents companies making money from your work, but beware it also prevents use by any small community project which generates income. If you reuse the are uploading content and share itwith this license, you must release it use with care and read the same permissions so it can be shared alike in future (meaning it cannot be used in a project published with "all rights reserved"). Full details are [ here]first.

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