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This is the page for 147-149 Cowley Road.

<< 141 151 >>



1988 - 2017

This is Powells Kitchens and Bathrooms showroom. The ground floor seems to have been extended considerably from the original Victorian building visible above. Thomsons Directory 1988 Powell's Home Improvements


Thomson's Directory 1981 and 1984 No 147 Milner (E) Oxford Ltd (by 1988 at No 151)

1920s - 1970s

Kelly's Directory 1952 to 1976 Nos 147 and 149 Nicholl's Pram Shop, toy dealers
Kelly's Directory 1920 Nos 147 and 149 W J Nicholls & Son jobmasters, perambulator dealers & motor car proprietors

Before then? is a DIY community history - help us write it!

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