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This is the page for 171 Cowley Road.

<< 169 173 >>

1995: Photographed by Martin Stott


November 2023 Cowley Local, vapes, cigarettes &c

Just Lokma Creamery


That coffee bar


Signboard removed to reveal T> Byard & Son sign, who were once fishmongers here


A beauty salon called Carms Lashes & beauty

2008 - 2019

This was a branch of The Money Shop which closed May 2019. Thomsons Directory 2008, before that there was a branch in George Street, Oxford


The LettingShop (see photo below)

1940s -1980s

Kelly's Directory 1966 to1976 Nos 171 & 173 Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, engineering section. Also in Thomson's Directory 1992
Kelly's Directory 1967 to 1969 No 171 John Watkins & Co house agents
Kelly's Directory 1958 to 1964 No 171 Belclere hearing aid manufacturers
Kelly's Directory 1943 to 1956 Nos 171 & 173 Reginald Grange (& Matthews) fishmongers

Before then? is a DIY community history - help us write it!

Do you know more about this business, or remember what was at this address before? Do you have any old photographs or memories to share? Please add them to the site! Here is a how-to guide.
